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Vision, Mission, Values


"Limited Land  Unlimited Space" – this creative paradox aptly highlights the nation's constraints and SLA's commitment in addressing them. The word "space" is multi-dimensional, encompassing realms from the physical to the digital. "Unlimited" represents the extent of our commitment in our quest for solutions and innovations that will contribute to the economic and social development of Singapore.


To ensure effective use of land resources and data for the economic and social development of Singapore by:

  • Optimising land and space utilisation
  • Safeguarding property ownership
  • Promoting the use of land and space data


We embrace the Public Service values of Integrity, Service and Excellence. In addition, we subscribe to the values of People-Centricity and Innovation:

  • People-Centricity: We value our diverse backgrounds and talents, and commit to developing the full potential of our people
  • Innovation: We seek new ideas and better solutions for continuous improvement