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Geo Connect Asia 2022 features a thriving GeoCommunity

Tech Talks 
Representatives from the GeoWorks GeoCommunity spoke at the Tech Talks segment at Geo Connect Asia 2022. 

Dr. Jon Lee of GeoWorks GeoTech Vizzio, presented on the building of 3D city models of the world using deep learning and satellite images. 

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Hariz Mansor of Hexagon
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Deric Tay of Trimble

Deric Tay of Trimble, a GeoWorks GeoPartner, spoke about using augmented reality to improve productivity, increase collaboration among teams and conduct inspections at job sites. Hariz Mansor of Hexagon, also a GeoPartner, touched on how innovation has changed the way digital surveyors and professionals drive productivity and profitability.
Finally, Dr John Chan of GeoWorks GeoMember Mapxus, explained about how Mapxus contributes to building the digital infrastructure for barrier-free navigation and smart cities using city-based indoor GIS solutions. 

Conferences and Panel Discussions 
Representatives from the GeoCommunity also participated in panel discussions and conferences where they shared their geospatial knowledge with the attendees. 

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John Whitehead of Trimble
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Philip Kandal of Grab
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Faheem Kim of Hexagon and Dr Jon Lee of Vizzio
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Saibal Chowdhury of Urbanetic

John Whitehead, a representative of GeoWorks GeoPartner Trimble, gave a crash course on how geospatial technologies have transformed the way we work, as well as what this technology means for the future. 

Philip Kandal of Grab, a GeoWorks GeoPartner participated in a panel where he discussed how geospatial innovations can be harnessed to promote sustainable transportation and customer satisfaction. 

Faheem Kim of Hexagon and Dr Jon Lee of Vizzio – GeoWorks GeoPartner and GeoTech respectively—were involved in a panel discussion on the intertwining relations between the geospatial industry and the metaverse. 

Finally, Saibal Chowdhury of GeoWorks GeoTech Urbanetic moderated a panel discussion on the ways in which Digital Twins can help leverage project integration between partners and accelerate the flow of data.

Organised by Montgomery Group Asia, Geo Connect Asia 2022, a showcase of geospatial technologies and innovations in the region – brought together over 50 industry leaders and experts to share their insights on all things geospatial. SLA and GeoWorks are strategic partners.

Geo Connect Asia 2023 will return on 15th and 16th March next year.