The COVID-19 pandemic has meant that everyone, from businesses to individuals, has had to adjust to new norms and establish new protocols as we make changes to our lives and livelihood. Our communities in Singapore, too, have had to find ways to adapt in the way we live our lives.
The food and beverage (F&B) sector was no exception. Dining in at eateries were prohibited from 7 April till the start of the phase two reopening on 19 June, when dining in was allowed but only in groups of five or fewer. Safe distance measures also have become an established norm amongst us so as to ensure the safety of the community.
It is indeed true then that when the going gets tough, the tough gets going. Several F&B operators who are tenants in properties managed by the Singapore Land Authority (SLA) have since adapted, improvised and innovated to ensure that business not just continues, but would be able to thrive, even in such trying circumstances.
Businesses reacted swiftly to the new measures by establishing social distancing measures as well as setting up the SafeEntry app for contact tracing. SLA staff also engaged our tenants at State properties to explain the current regulations and helped with the process of setting these measures in place. Working closely together, SLA as well as its tenants ensured a safe environment for both patrons and staff, while keeping customers’ experiences seamless and enjoyable. To brighten things up, some establishments, such as Da Paolo Dempsey at Tanglin Village, have also shown great resourcefulness and creativity by making full use of its existing decor to demarcate the one metre distance between individuals.

Besides social distancing measures, our tenants also adapted by undergoing a rapid process of digitalisation. With food delivery quickly becoming a new norm, online ordering has become a common tool with almost all F&B businesses. These include even stores offering traditional classics, such as the Tiong Bahru Bakery, located in Chip Bee Gardens as well as several other locations across the island.

Several tenants also turned to digital assets such as websites and social media platforms to communicate with customers. Many took this time to “level-up” their photography skills, and have started to display their newfound expertise on their various platforms.

The road towards recovery may be a long one, but day by day, we are getting there. With the successful measures being taken to control the spread of virus, more services in addition to those in the F&B sector will open up in the months ahead. Even so, it is likely that social distancing measures may not be going away anytime soon. However, with some imagination and ingenuity—as well as everyone’s cooperation in adhering to safe distancing measures—there is nothing to stop us from indulging in our favourite meals while still observing the rules and being socially responsible.