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SLA Cuts Land Surveys From 2 To 1

Home > Articles > Press Releases > 2003 > SLA Cuts Land Surveys From 2 To 1

Buyers can know the actual size of their properties earlier

The Singapore Land Authority (SLA) has streamlined the land survey process. Effective from 1 April 2003, registered surveyors will be required to submit one instead of 2 plans for the issue of Certificate of Title (CT). This change is part of SLA's effort to cut rules and improve public service.

Before 1 April 2003

Surveyors were required to conduct 2 surveys (provisional survey and final survey) for new developments. The provisional survey was to obtain the area in order to issue the CT. The area was provisional because the boundary marks were not demarcated on the ground yet. The actual boundaries were demarcated on the ground in the final survey, which usually took place 6 months after the provisional survey.

After 1 April 2003

The CT is an important document, as it gives ownership particulars and details of other interests affecting the property (eg mortgage, CPF charge). The property area is an integral piece of information in the CT. By doing away with the provisional survey and requiring the final survey to be done by the time the CT is issued, the CT will contain the actual area. Buyers of properties will know the exact area of the property they have purchased when they receive the CT to the property. Surveyors will also benefit as the survey process will be shortened by up to 6 months. In the case of sale of State land, the surveyor will conduct the final survey when the land is sold. In the case of subdivision of private land, the surveyor will conduct the final survey when the buildings are constructed.

The removal of the provisional survey applies to all land surveys except for airspace lots, subterranean lots, foreshores structures and reclaimed land.

Issued by:

Singapore Land Authority
31 March 2003