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Tender Closing for agri-tainment land at Lim Chu Kang

Home > Articles > Press Releases > 2006 > Tender Closing for agri-tainment land at Lim Chu Kang

1. The Singapore Land Authority (SLA) closed the tender for the land parcels LCK181A, LCK217 and LCK42 at 12 noon today.

2. The tender was launched on 10 October 2006. The site was offered for sale on a 20-year lease.

3. The decision on the award of the tender will be made after the bids have been evaluated. The evaluation period for this tender would be longer than the normal evaluation timeframe as there is a need to seek agreement on the proposed agri-tainment and agricultural uses with various technical agencies. Results of the award would be publicised in about 4 to 6 weeks.

4. Please see Annexes A, B & C for the details of the bids.

5. For media queries, please contact Ms Wang Hui Ling (Senior Executive, Corporate Communications) at DID: 6323 9116, HP: 9823 1479 or e-mail: Wang_Hui_Ling@sla.gov.sg.

Issued by:
Singapore Land Authority
5 December 2006

Annex A - LCK 181A

Annex B - LCK 217

Annex C - LCK 42

About SLA

Singapore Land Authority (SLA) is a statutory board with the Ministry of Law. Its mission is to optimise land resources for the economic and social development of Singapore. SLA is responsible for the direct management of some 14,000 hectares of State land and about 5,000 buildings. It is also in charge of land sales, leases, acquisitions and allocation, developing and marketing land-related information, and maintaining the national land information database through digitised land information services. SLA is also the national land registration authority for property transactions, and the issuance and guarantee of land titles in Singapore. It also manages and maintains the national land survey system, including the defining of boundaries or legal limits of properties based on a coordinated cadastre survey system. For more details, visit www.sla.gov.sg.