Top bids for SLA tender of four agriculture land sales at Sungei Tengah at $3.58 million

Home > Articles > Press Releases > 2007 > Top bids for SLA tender of four agriculture land sales at Sungei Tengah at $3.58 million

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15 NOVEMBER 2007

  • Environmental Landscape Pte Ltd is top bidder for two of the largest sites with bids totalling $2.08 million
  • Public-listed Qian Hu Corporation Limited put in top bid for one of the sites

2 The public tender for the sale of four agricultural land parcels by the Singapore Land Authority (SLA) in Sungei Tengah received a total of 35 bids. The top bids for the four sites totalled $3.58 million. The top bidder came from Environmental Landscape Pte Ltd at $1.12 million over a 31500 square metre site at the biggest parcel. It is also the top bidder for the second largest site at $963,360 over a site area of 25,564 square metres. Dragonwana Aquarium Trading is top bidder at $530,000 for a site of 19,634 square metres and public-listed Qian Hu Corporation Limited is top bidder for the smallest site of the tender at $967,135 for a site area of 19,342 square metres.

3 Since SLA’s launch of the tender on 11 October, about 105 packets of tender documents were sold. There were more than 100 enquiries received from interested parties. At closing, a total of 26 tenderers submitted 35 bids. The range of bids was between $101,000 and $1,120,000. There were 5 Individuals and 21 Companies which participated. Details of the bids can be found in Annex A.

4 SLA will be evaluating the outcome of the sale and the results of the tender will be announced in a few days’ time.


Annex A – Details of the bids

Issued by:
The Singapore Land Authority
15 November 2007