SLA tenders former Changi military camp for hotel use
- 1st time site is tendered and 2nd State property offered with dedicated
hotel use.
Hotel operators can now look forward to another State property for development as a hotel. The Singapore Land Authority (SLA) has launched for public tender a state property at Nos. 33 and 42 Hendon Road. This property (which is part of a former military camp), has a land area of 9,666 square metres, slightly larger than a football field with a gross floor area (GFA) of 5,097 square metres. It comprises 2 blocks of 3-storey buildings and a covered shed. The tenancy is for an initial term of 3 years and is renewable on terms up to 2018. The guide rental is $28,500 per month.
2 This latest State property to be tendered is well suited for hotel use as the Changi area is being transformed into an exciting destination for locals and tourists alike with its wide-ranging leisure, recreational and lifestyle attractions. It is also conveniently located next to a park connector, a walking route along Netheravon Road from Cranwell Road to Changi Village, and the Changi Point boardwalk. More buzz can also be expected with the introduction of motor sports near the Changi Beach Park, as announced by the Government.
3 Since last
year, SLA has awarded 4 (Lorong Bekukong, No. 23 A/B, No 24 Turnhouse Road and
Former Changi Hospital) State properties in the Changi area for adaptive
commercial re-use after receiving strong response. 2 of them are now restaurants
while the former Changi General Hospital at Halton Road is being transformed
into a spa resort. The groundbreaking will take place next month and the
development is expected to be ready by next year.
4 The
Government on its part has upgraded the car parks at Changi Village and provided
additional car park lots at Turnhouse Road.
5 Director,
Land Operations (Private) Division, Mr Teo Cher Hian (张子贤,土地与房产私租处长) said, “SLA
is offering a number of the vacant State properties for adaptive re-use such as
hotels and lifestyle attractions in line with the government’s vision for Changi
Point as an attractive and rustic seaview hotel, resort and recreational
destination. This latest property will add greater buzz and vibrancy to the
Changi area”
According to the
Singapore Tourism Board (STB), leading hoteliers have expressed keen interest in
this property. Ms Caroline Leong, Director, Travel Services & Hospitality
Business, STB said, “The STB encourages the development of different types of
accommodation to add to the hotel mix available here. With its lush greenery and
historical charm which the old military barracks lend, a hotel development on
the former Changi Camp site will provide an ideal alternative to visitors who
prefer staying amidst a rustic environment.” According to STB, mid-tier and
economy hotels enjoyed healthy average room occupancy rates of 85% and 87%
respectively in the 1st half of 2008.
7 The 1st State property that has been converted for hotel use is No. 175A Chin Swee Road. Today, it is a boutique business hotel called “Hotel Re!” with 140 rooms. It was officially opened for business in mid-May this year with an initial occupancy rate of around 50%. Mr Joseph Ong, the hotel’s General Manager expects the occupancy rate to improve in the coming months.
8 The site showround for the former Changi Camp will be on 13 Aug 08. The tender will remain open for 3 weeks from 6 Aug and will close on 27 Aug 08 at 11 am sharp. For more information on these properties, please visit SLA’s State Property and Information Online (SPIO) web portal, or call the SPIO hotline at 6323 9154. The tender documents are available on SPIO and Tender applications may be deposited at Singapore Land Authority, 8 Shenton Way, #26-01, Singapore 068811.
Issued by:
Singapore Land Authority
11 August 2008
A: Site map and photos of Former Changi Camp
About SLA
Singapore Land Authority (SLA) is a statutory board with the Ministry of Law. Its mission is to optimise land resources for the economic and social development of Singapore. SLA is responsible for the direct management of some 14,000 hectares of State land and about 5,000 buildings. It is also in charge of land sales, leases, acquisitions and allocation, developing and marketing land-related information, and maintaining the national land information database through digitised land information services. SLA is also the national land registration authority for property transactions, and the issuance and guarantee of land titles in Singapore. It also manages and maintains the national land survey systems, including the defining of boundaries or legal limits of properties based on a coordinated cadastre survey systems.