Rental Rebates For SLA-Managed Properties
1 The Government has announced a package of measures to help reduce business costs during the current economic slowdown. As part of these measures, the Government, through the Singapore Land Authority (SLA), will grant a 15% rebate on the monthly rental to eligible tenants and temporary occupation licensees of State commercial and industrial properties, including certain farmlands on leases managed by the SLA. The rebates will take retrospective effect from 1 January 2009 and will be valid for one year. Existing tenants and licensees who renew their tenancies or licenses during the course of 2009 will also be granted the rebates.
2 The above rebates will cost the Government about $60 million in revenue forgone from SLA-managed properties and will potentially benefit about 2,600 tenants, licensees and lessees. Those eligible will be informed in writing by SLA shortly.
3 The public can email their enquiries to or call SLA’s main line at 6323 9829 during office hours.
- The End –
Issued by:
The Singapore Land
22 January 2009