Twenty bids received for former Mee Toh School
- another former school at Hu Ching Road up for tender today
The tender for the former Mee Toh School (彌陀学校) at 375 Race Course Road garnered an overwhelming response of 20 bids from 14 bidders when it was launched under the Ideas Tender Scheme1 in December last year. The highest bid of $103,998 came from Cambridge Institute Pte Ltd. It bidded about $34,600 more than the guide rent.
2 The range of approved uses for the former school included office, shops, restaurant/F&B/café, commercial school/ privately funded school/ foreign systems school, arts/dance/drama studio, childcare/student care/kindergarten, student hostel and association. Under the Ideas Tender Scheme, bidders are allowed to also submit alternative bids for innovative uses for the property.
3 The property has an estimated GFA of 2,650 sqm and is being offered on a 3-year tenancy with an option to renew for 2 further terms of 3 years and 2 years respectively, subject to terms.
Former Jurong Town Primary School put up for open
tender today
4 Today, SLA has launched
another former school at 3 Hu Ching Road for open tender, at a guide rental of
$61,200. SLA has already received about 12 enquiries regarding the
5 The building has a gross floor area (GFA) of about 4108 sqm and its approved uses are office, arts/dance/drama studio, commercial school or foreign system school, childcare/student care/kindergarten, student hostel, association, and convalescent/nursing home.
6 The property is located beside Jurong Secondary School, and is near the Fairway Country Club, Jurong Park, as well as the Lakeside MRT station. The property will be on a 3-year tenancy with an option to renew for 2 further terms of 3 years each subject to terms. Please see Annex B for a photograph of the school.
7 The site showround for 3 Hu Ching Road will be on 23 Jan 2009 (Friday). The tender will remain open for 5 weeks from 13 Jan 2009 and will close on 17 Feb 2009 at 11 am sharp. For more information on these properties, please visit SLA’s State Property and Information Online (SPIO) web portal SPIO, or call the SPIO hotline at 6323 9154. The tender documents are available on SPIO. Tender applications may be deposited at Singapore Land Authority, 55 Newton Road #12-01, Revenue House, Singapore 307987.
Award of tender for former Seh Chuan High School
8 Dimensions
Commercial School Pte Ltd had successfully bidded for and won the tender for
the former Seh Chuan High School located at 9-3 Jalan Seh Chuan. The
property was put up for tender in October last year, and was awarded to
Dimensions in December. Dimensions, whose bid was $90,058, had earlier said
that they would use the property to expand its hospitality faculty of its
existing school campus if they win the tender.
How the Ideas Tender scheme works: Similar to the normal tenders called for rental of vacant State properties, interested parties must submit their offers for a property under the Ideas Tender Scheme using SLA's tender document. Each tenderer is encouraged to submit an offer that meets the original requirements of the tender, i.e. the basic offer. In addition, the tenderer has the option to submit a maximum of two alternative uses per tender, i.e. the alternative offer(s). The alternative offer(s) submitted can be for uses not found on the prescribed list of approved uses. To guide tenderers when proposing alternative uses, SLA will provide a list of uses that do not meet technical guidelines of relevant government agencies and therefore are not likely to be approved in the tender. SLA will receive offers for the property for a three-week period. The alternative offer(s) submitted will have to be cleared by the relevant authorities on the basis of several factors, including the proposed uses' proximity to residential areas, compatibility with surrounding areas and potential impact on traffic.
Issued by:
The Singapore Land
13 January 2009
A: Details of the bids for former Mee Toh School
B: Photo of former Jurong Town Primary School
Annex A: Details of the bids for former Mee Toh School
State Property at 375 Race Course Road, Singapore 218644 | ||
S/No | Name of Tenderer | Tendered Monthly Rent (S$) |
1 | Cambridge
Institute Pte Ltd (Usage : Commercial School) (Alternative 1 usage : ideas tender scheme) (Alternative 2 usage : ideas tender scheme) |
103,998 90,998 50,000 |
2 | Cambridge
Hostel Management Pte Ltd (Usage : Student Hostel) |
83,889 |
3 | Yuva
Bharathi International School Pte Ltd (Usage : The range of tendered uses) |
73,000 |
4 | The
Stansfield Group Pte Ltd (Usage : Commercial School) |
63,000 |
5 | CSM Academy
International Pte Ltd (Usage :Office, Shops, Restaurant/F&B/Café, Commercial School, Privately Funded School, Foreign System School) |
43,000 |
6 | Hartawan
Hostel Management Pte Ltd (Usage : The range of tendered uses) |
38,001 |
7 | Simply Lodge
Pte Ltd (Usage : The range of tendered uses) |
33,800 |
8 | Surpass
Unity Pte. Ltd. (Usage : The range of tendered uses) (Alternative 1 Usage : ideas tender scheme) (Alternative 2 Usage : ideas tender scheme) |
30,100 30,100 30,100 |
9 | Nanyang
Institute Of Management Pte Ltd (Usage :Commercial School) |
30,008 |
10 | Asia Pacific
Navigation (S) Pte Ltd (Usage : The range of tendered uses) (Alternative 1 Usage : ideas tender scheme) |
20,000 30,000 |
11 | SPOC
Solutions Pte Ltd (Usage : Office, Sports Village) (Alternative 1 Usage : ideas tender scheme) |
21,000 30,000 |
12 | Hu
Yaoqiang (Usage : The range of tendered uses) |
14,001 |
13 | Urban
Development Pte Ltd (Usage: Student Hostel) |
13,888 |
14 | Top Global
Ltd (Usage : The range of tendered uses) |
13,800 |
About SLA
Singapore Land Authority (SLA) is a statutory board with the Ministry of Law. Its mission is to optimise land resources for the economic and social development of Singapore. SLA is responsible for the direct management of some 14,000 hectares of State land and about 5,000 buildings. It is also in charge of land sales, leases, acquisitions and allocation, developing and marketing land-related information, and maintaining the national land information database through digitised land information services. SLA is also the national land registration authority for property transactions, and the issuance and guarantee of land titles in Singapore. It also manages and maintains the national land survey systems, including the defining of boundaries or legal limits of properties based on a coordinated cadastre survey systems. Please visit for more information.