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Singapore Land Authority's reply to Mr Leong Sze Hian's 16 Aug Facebook post

Dear Mr Leong,

You had put up a post on 16 Aug, saying that your boundary has encroached on State land, by 1.3 cm to 4.9 cm, and that you were being asked to deal with it. The suggestion you make is that the request by SLA was unreasonable.


You must know that your post contains deliberate untruths, and half truths:

1. Your rear boundary fence has encroached between 13 cm and 49 cm onto the State land behind your property (i.e. 10 times the figures you posted).

2. A picture of the fence with concrete footing is enclosed. It is not a whole wall as you have suggested


3. Since Feb 2018, for a period of 18 months, you have been asked to rectify this encroachment. You have refused to do so.

4. Your neighbours have also similarly encroached on State Land. Several have been contacted, and have been co-operative, and have taken steps/are taking steps to move their fences back, unlike you.

The Singapore Land Authority respects private property but also has a responsibility to safeguard state land, which belongs to all Singaporeans. You ought to know the law, and we expect you to keep within the legal boundaries of your own premises. 

Singapore Land Authority

17 August 2019