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Refinements to the ‘Schedule of Non-Residential Properties’ under the Residential Property (RP) Notification
Refinements to the ‘Schedule of Non-Residential Properties’ under the Residential Property (RP) Notification

1. The Ministry of Law (“MinLaw”) and the Singapore Land Authority (“SLA”) have refined the Schedule of Non-Residential Properties (“the Schedule”) under the Residential Property Act (“RPA”). This entails updating the list of land use zones that have been designated as non-residential property. The update is part of the regular review of the RPA to ensure the land use zones listed in the Schedule are up to date with the prevailing zoning terminology used by the Urban Redevelopment Authority (“URA”), and to ensure that land use zones predominantly permitted for residential use are regulated under the RPA.
2. The key changes to the Schedule are as follows:
a. The ‘Commercial & Residential’ zone will be removed from the list. As land zoned or developments permitted for ‘Commercial & Residential’ are predominantly for residential use, such developments will now be deemed as residential property and regulated under the RPA. This is to better reflect the intent of the RPA to safeguard residential land for Singaporeans.
b. The following seven uses will be added to the list since residential uses are typically not allowed on such land use zones
i. ‘Business 1’
ii. ‘Business 2’
iii. ‘Business 1 – White’
iv. ‘Business 2 – White’
v. ‘Commercial/Institution’
vi. ‘Reserve Site’
vii. ‘Special Use’
c. The remaining changes to the list are to ensure consistency with the prevailing zoning terminology used by URA.
3. The above changes will take effect on 20 July 2023, 0000 hours.
4. With the removal of ‘Commercial & Residential’ zone from the Schedule, any foreign persons (includes both individuals and entities) defined under the RPA who intend to purchase or acquire an interest in a land zoned or property permitted for ‘Commercial & Residential’ would need to apply for approval under the RPA. The application can be submitted online at www.sla.gov.sg/ldau.
5. Foreign persons who are existing owners of land zoned or property permitted for ‘Commercial & Residential’ use are exempted from obtaining approval under the RPA if the intention is to retain the property as-is. However, they will need to seek approval under the RPA, should they wish to retain and redevelop the property.
6. In addition, foreign persons intending to purchase or acquire interest in land zoned or property permitted for ‘Commercial & Residential’ use, can be exempted from obtaining approval under the RPA if all of the following conditions are met:
a. The Option-to-Purchase (“OTP”) was granted by sellers to potential buyers before 20 July 2023;
b. This OTP is exercised on or before 9 August 2023; and
c. This OTP has not been varied on or after 20 July 2023.
7. For more information on the application procedures and FAQs, please visit SLA’s website at www.sla.gov.sg or contact SLA at SLA_Enquiry@sla.gov.sg or 1800-323-9829.
Issued by:
Ministry of Law
Singapore Land Authority
19 July 2023