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Long-Term Rentals

Vacant State properties not earmarked for immediate development are put up for rent in the interim period. These properties can be used for residential, commercial, industrial and institutional purposes. The rental of these properties is managed either by SLA
SLA-managed properties, comprising mainly premises previously used for schools, community centres and camps, are generally available for rental through tender.
or our managing agents.
Agent-managed properties, mainly residential and commercial, can be rented directly from the agents.

View our State properties available for rental and make an on-line request for a site-showround at State Property Information Online (SPIO).

The tenure for State properties varies. Some are rented out through tenancies where the tenure depends on the development time-frame for the properties, while others are rented out through Temporary Occupation Licenses (TOLs). TOLs either cover a fixed short term or are renewable on a monthly or yearly basis.

This section outlines the various stages of the tender process. Click on each stage to find out more.

Pre-Tender > Tender > Post-Tender

Due diligence for prospective sub-tenants

Prospective sub-tenants of State properties are strongly encouraged to conduct due diligence checks on the main tenant before committing themselves to a sub-tenancy agreement. Please request for the following documents or information:

  • SLA’s written consent for sub-tenancy
  • List of approved uses for the property
  • Quantum for the percentage of approved use
  • Tenure of the property

Prospective sub-tenants should also seek legal advice before signing any sub-tenancy agreements.

Notes for tenderers

Prospective tenderers are advised to bid according to their assessment of the rent they are willing and able to pay. Past tender awards are provided to help you in your assessment. View award listing from 2004.

No works of addition and alteration are to be undertaken without the prior written approval of SLA and the relevant authorities. The tenant should engage professionals to submit plans, drawings and calculations to the relevant authorities for approval, before any addition and alteration works begins. Rentals may be revised following the completion of such work.

Successful tenderers are not allowed to sublet the properties without approval from SLA in writing, unless expressly provided for in the tenancy agreements.

Available tenders

State properties are let out to organisations through an open tender. This ensures that the process is fair and transparent. State properties available for rent can be viewed at State Property Information Online (SPIO) website.

When a State property is put up for tender, the property is placed in the category “Available Now” and the invitation to tender will be announced and published in SPIO.

The Tender Documents can be downloaded from the SPIO website.

The closing date and time of the tender are stipulated in the Tender Documents and on the SPIO website.

Submission of tenders

Tenders must be placed in the designated box located at the SLA CSC by the closing date and time as stated in the tender. The timing for the close of tender will be based on the official time displayed at SLA. Any tender submitted after the closing date and time will not be considered. The tender is to be submitted in a sealed envelope marked with the envelope label cover enclosed in the Tender Documents.

Items that must be included in the tender submission are:

  1. Form of Tender
  2. Tender Brief indicating your proposal for the use of the property and relevant experience in the operation/ management of business for the proposed use(s)
  3. Tender deposit equivalent to one (1) month's rent (excluding GST) in the form of a cashier's order/ money order made in favour of the "Commissioner of Lands, SLA"
  4. Latest printout from the Accounting and Corporate Regulatory Authority (ACRA) if you are tendering as a company, or a copy of your identity card if you are tendering as an individual
  5. Latest audited financial statements for the past two (2) years if you are tendering as a company, or the latest income tax statement for the past two (2) years if you are tendering as an individual

A checklist of the items to be submitted can be found on the second last page of the Tender Documents.

Evaluation of tender submissions

In evaluating the bids submitted, we consider among other factors, the tendered price, concepts, proposed uses, track record and financial health of the bidders.

Shortlisted tenderers may be required to attend a tender interview.

Acceptance of tenders

The successful tenderer will be informed via a letter of acceptance. The tender deposit will not be returned. Instead, the deposit will be used to offset the first month of rental payment following the expiry of the rent-free period.

The items to prepare will be indicated in the Letter of Acceptance, specifically:

  1. A security deposit of at least three (3) months of the tendered monthly rental is payable within 28 days after the date of Letter of Acceptance in the form of a cashier’s order, money order, banker’s guarantee, or Insurance Performance Bond / Guarantee issued by MAS-approved insurance companies. The security deposit quantum may increase to a maximum of six (6) months of rent.
  2. Fire insurance policy for the quantum and period stated in the Tender Documents
  3. GST payment of the first payable month’s rent in the form of a cashier’s order, money order, or cheque made in favour of the “Commissioner of Lands, SLA”
  4. A certificate of Stamp Duty issued by the Inland Revenue Authority of Singapore (IRAS) for the original Tenancy Agreement
  5. ACRA’s Registration of Companies Certificate
  6. Duly completed GIRO and Direct Credit Authorisation Forms

A rent-free period of three (3) months or less is given upon the commencement of the tenancy, depending on the tenure of the property.

No subletting of the property is allowed without the prior approval from SLA.

Unsuccessful tenderers will also be notified and their tender deposits will be returned to them within 14 days after the award of tender.